May 05 May the Coverage Be With You! By Insurance Feed Builders Risk, Business, catastrophic event, cause of loss, cloud storage, Commercial, commercial building, commercial insurance, construction, coverage, Cyber, cyber security, data, deductible, employee, Employees, exposure, exposures, inland marine, Insurance, Liability, liability insurance, risk, risk assessment, Risk Management, safety, Technology, underwriter, workers' compensation, workplace, workplace safety One of the toughest parts of commercial insurance is identifying all of the exposures a business might have. I met…Read More
Dec 31 Should I Clear the Snow from my Sidewalk? By Insurance Feed Claims, Home, homeowners, homeowners insurance, homeowners policy, Insurance, Liability, liability coverage, liability insurance, Personal, personal property, Prevention, property, property coverage, rental properties, renter's policy, renters insurance, risk, Risk Management, snow, snow and ice, snow removal, Weather Winter is here and so is the age-old question: should I clear the snow from my sidewalk? To be completely…Read More
Jun 25 Builder’s Risk Policy vs. a Loss: Which Costs More? By Insurance Feed builders, Builders Risk, Business, Central, Claims, Commercial, Insurance, Liability, policy, risk, Risk Management, Saving Money “I don’t need a Builder’s Risk policy,” said a contractor. “The money I save I’ll just set aside for any…Read More