Oct 06 The Benefits of Your Loss Control Consultant By Insurance Feed Business, Central, Commercial, commercial insurance, commercial policy, fleet safety program, Insurance, Loss Control, loss control consultant, loss control inspection, loss control representative, loss control services, loss control survey, potential risks, relationships, Risk Management, safety, safety program, Service, workplace safety Loss Control for insurance is defined as risk management procedures designed to reduce the chances of claims against insurance policies.…Read More
Mar 12 Light Industrial – Heavy on Protection By Insurance Feed blanket additional insured, Business, business income coverage, Commercial, commercial building, commercial insurance, commercial property, coverage, coverage gap, electrical safety, electronics, Employees, equipment, equipment breakdown, equipment breakdown coverage, exposure, food handling, food service industry, Insurance, Liability, liability coverage, light industrial, Loss Control, loss control inspection, machines, manufacturer, product liability exposure, protection, safety, workplace, workplace safety Light industrial is a term you often hear when discussing commercial insurance, but what does it mean? Typically, light…Read More
Oct 31 Does your Business Have a Roof Inspection Program? By Insurance Feed building, Business, business owner, Commercial, commercial building, commercial property, inspection, Insurance, Loss Control, loss control inspection, Prevention, Risk Management, roof, roof damage, roof inspection, water leak If you own a business, you may have had your property inspected by a loss control representative from your insurance…Read More
Feb 26 Living the Glamorous Life of Loss Control By Insurance Feed career opportunities in the insurance industry, Central, Communication, Education, Insurance, insurance careers, insurance careers month, insurance industry, Loss Control, loss control consultant, loss control inspection, Prevention, Risk Management A day in the life of a loss control consultant is the closest thing in the insurance industry to being…Read More