Jan 14 The “Smart” Way to Mitigate Risk in a Connected Home By Insurance Feed behavioral data, Cyber, exposure data, Hartford Steam Boiler, Home, Home Health Score, HSB, Insurance, IoT, Personal, Prevention, smart devices, smart home, smart phone, smart technology, smart TV, Technology, technology advances With the continued adoption of Smart Home products, many homeowners welcome devices that promote energy efficiency, cost savings benefits, and…Read More
Oct 15 Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart By Insurance Feed Central, Cyber, cyber crime, cyber insurance, cyber insurance coverage, cyber security, digital home, Home, Insurance, Internet of Things, National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), National Cyber Security Awareness Month, Personal, Personal Cyber Protection, phishing, security software, smart technology, Social Media, strong password, system updates, Technology, Two-Factor Authentication A few weeks ago, my sister asked me to stop by her house to check on a few things while…Read More
Oct 15 Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart By Insurance Feed Central, Cyber, cyber crime, cyber insurance, cyber insurance coverage, cyber security, digital home, Home, Insurance, Internet of Things, National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), National Cyber Security Awareness Month, Personal, Personal Cyber Protection, phishing, security software, smart technology, Social Media, strong password, system updates, Technology, Two-Factor Authentication A few weeks ago, my sister asked me to stop by her house to check on a few things while…Read More